Are passion and purpose the same thing? What is passion? What is purpose? How do you know your purpose

At times when people are trying to inspire others to find their purpose in life, they will encourage them to explore what they are passionate about. But is passion a good litmus test for one’s purpose in life? Let’s start with a couple of definitions.

What is passion or how is it defined? A dictionary might say something like: “a powerful or compelling emotion or feeling.”

And, how about purpose? Purpose is typically defined as: “the reason for which something is done or created, or for which something exists.”

Now, we’ll look at finding purpose in just a bit, but first let’s talk about passion.

Passion and purpose are not the same thing. Although we often use these words interchangeably, or people will say that passion defines purpose, it does not and they are very different things. Passion is the twin sister of, and stems from, emotion. While emotion and passion may fuel your drive toward your purpose, emotions can be fickle and we should be very careful not to build our lives purely upon emotions.

An individual can be emotional or passionate about a number of things that are not, or have nothing to do with, one’s purpose. You can be passionate for football, Doritos, beer, a good taco, but none of those likely have anything to do with your purpose.

Let me offer an example. Imagine that you are married and you feel the “passion has left” your marriage. Most likely, at one point the passion was there. Now, I understand that there can be a lot of contributing factors to that, so I’m not trying to make make some sort of judgment or some definitive statement about passion in a marriage….but, do we see how emotional and fickle “passion” can be? At that point in a marriage, you’ve made a commitment to someone. Beyond passion, what will you do with that?

I’m not suggesting that passion should be ignored or that it’s not important or has any value. I’m saying that it needs to be put in it’s appropriate place. Passion may drive us toward the pursuit of purpose in our lives, but passion is not purpose and it won’t carry us in the convictions of our purpose.

So what about purpose? How do we understand what that might be? Perhaps, it may be helpful to examine why people begin to search for, or ask the questions about, their purpose in the first place. I think there are several common reasons.

1. They simply feel unfulfilled and feel that there has to be more to life.

2. Their ego or self serving yearns for something that proves to them that their existence is of a grand nature to some degree. The problem with ego is that it constantly needs to be fed and the “food” that “feeds” it doesn’t always need to be healthy.

3. There’s a genuine desire to find the reason for their existence and have their life contribute and count for something.

4. At times – and quite often – it’s some combination or mix of all three of these.

But, at the core of a healthy desire for purpose is really a yearning for meaning and significance to our day to day lives.

So how do we find it? Purpose that is….

First, it’s important to note that purpose has a “seasonal” nature to it. Your “seasonal” purpose as a young person will be different than say what an older adult might feel that their purpose is. At times, different life circumstances will have an impact on what we sense our purpose to be in those particular times. However, a sense of personal life long purpose will likely have a growing, emerging thread that flows throughout all the stages of your life.

So, to sum that up – there is what may be called a seasonal or circumstantial purpose in life and then a thread of your life’s purpose that weaves throughout your days.

Now, I completely agree that finding or determining purpose is meaningful and important. However, I think one of the key reasons why we may miss it is because we become so focused on a large broad purpose that we miss the cues to our purpose in the minute, or little things in life.

Many times we’ve had this grandiose vision pumped in us so much that we’re looking for a way to conquer or have some tremendous impact in our world that it causes us to miss purpose in the moment.

Why is this important? Because, purpose in the moment often tends to point to life purpose. It is found in the minute details that breath life into us and serve what is most important around us! Don’t miss this! Understanding this is crucial.

A larger purpose is certainly a part of life, however I believe if we don’t first truly find great value and significance in what is right around us and what has been entrusted to us, we will always struggle and look for some broader purpose.

In those moments, you see what value you can leave on humanity in your corner of the world. You see the impact of what you can contribute. If you look closely you can see how those things can bring indicators of breathe and life deep into your heart. And, you can use these as puzzle pieces to construct a picture of what your broader life purpose might be.

For me in my stage of life, it’s to leave a legacy. I’m firmly in the second half of my life and my thoughts surround how I might leave a legacy of love and truth to those I care about and those around me. For you, it may be something different. But I have a strong sense that the life purpose that truly fulfills most people will have to do with making a contribution in the world around them. Whatever that looks like in their space.

So, here are a couple thoughts about finding your purpose.

First, start with a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for the gift of life – the wonderful fact that you opened your eyes once again to the gift of another day! Gratitude helps us to see what is around us and not always look for what seems to be missing.

What is in front of you right now that you can be diligent and faithful to? What, or whom, can you invest in to make better, build someone or something up, or deepen your character. Do that! Invest, love, sacrifice, give of what you have inside of you in a healthy way.

Purpose unfolds itself. Let me say that again. Purpose unfolds itself. A person’s destiny will find them, if he or she is being purposeful and diligent in what has been entrusted to them. If you won’t do the little things, if you won’t be disciplined in the small things, they broader elements of purpose will likely escape you.

Your purpose may be some sort of grandiose adventure. But, it may be a grand adventure that is right in front of you, ready to unfold.

Only you can find or settle in on why you feel that you have been put on this earth. But I can be pretty certain that it is keenly tied to how you view yourself internally and how you interact with and engage those around you.

Until next time….Be Wise!